
NF-κB Inhibitor (trifluoroacetate salt)

CHF 103.00
In stock
CAY-17493-500500 µgCHF 103.00
CAY-17493-11 mgCHF 197.00
CAY-17493-55 mgCHF 809.00
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Product Details
Synonyms SN50 Peptide
Product Type Chemical
Formula C129H230N36O29S . XCF3COOH
MW 2781.5
Purity Chemicals ≥95%
Appearance A crystalline solid
Declaration Manufactured by Cayman Chemicals.
Other Product Data

Click here for Original Manufacturer Product Datasheet
Our product description may differ slightly from the original manufacturers product datasheet.

Smiles [H]N[C@H](C(N[C@H](C(N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(N[C@H](C(N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(N1CCC[C@H]1C(N[C@H](C(N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(N[C@H](C(N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(N[C@H](C(N2CCC[C@H]2C(N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(N[C@@H](CCC(N)=O)C(N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(N[C@@H](CCCNC(N)=N)C(N[C@@H](CCC(N)=O)C(N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(N[C@H](C(N3CCC[C@H]3C(O)=O)=O)CCSC)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)C)=O)=O)=O)C)=O)=O)=O)=O)C)=O)=O)=O)=O)C)=O)=O)C)=O)C.OC(C(F)(F)F)=O
Shipping and Handling
Shipping BLUE ICE
Long Term Storage -20°C
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Product Specification Sheet
Datasheet Download PDF
A synthetic peptide corresponding to the nuclear localization sequence of NF-κB p105 subunit (also known as p50) appended to a hydrophobic sequence to facilitate import into living cells; blocks the nuclear import of p105 in cells treated with activators of NF-κB signaling, including LPS and TNF-α.
© 2017 Adipogen Life Sciences. Pictures: © 2012 Martin Oeggerli. All Rights Reserved.