BellBrook Labs Drug Discovery - Transcreener High-Throughput Screening Assays

BellBrook Labs


Drug Discovery Process

BellBrook Labs, a US-based company, is dedicated to accelerating drug discovery and biological research. The company’s Transcreener® HTS enzyme assays, used by all of the major pharmaceutical companies, make it easy to screen thousands of different enzymes, including validated targets like kinases, as well as emerging targets like ATPases, GTPases, methyltransferases, cGAS, Helicases, and glycosyltransferases. Assay development and lead discovery services help customers advance targets through drug discovery programs with confidence.

BellBrook Labs Transcreener® and AptaFluor Assay Kits are robust, repeatable, easy-to-use enzyme activity assays for drug discovery. By directly detecting the common product of an enzymatic reaction, e.g. ADP for kinases, Transcreener provides a universal method that can be used across an entire target family. Direct detection and far-red fluorescent readouts (by fluorescence polarization, fluorescence intensity or TR-FRET) limit interference, producing accurate results that accelerate your drug discovery.

AdipoGen Life Sciences provides the complete BellBrook Labs product range in Switzerland and Italy.

For a product overview please see below:

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Transcreener® Assay Technology: How does it work?

Transcreener AssaysTranscreener® is a universal HTS assay method that can be used across entire families of nucleotide-dependent enzymes and relies on direct immunodetection of nucleotides. The panel of assays for ADP, GDP, AMP, GMP, cGAMP, dAMP, ADPR, 2-5A, SAH, and UDP measure activity for thousands of enzymes.

Transcreener® assays detect highly specific nucleotides using antibodies that can differentiate between nucleotides based on a single phosphate group. Selectivities for the product nucleotides vs. the substrates (e.g., ADP vs. ATP for a kinase assay) range from 150-fold to over 1000-fold. This exquisite selectivity allows detection of nucleotide enzyme products in the presence of an excess of the substrate nucleotide (e.g, ADP detection in the presence of excess ATP for kinase assays), a requirement for measuring enzyme initial velocity.


Transcreener Enzyme Families

To generate a signal, the Transcreener® assays use a homogenous, competitive immunoassay format in which the antibodies are paired with high-affinity fluorescent tracers. Displacement of the tracer by the nucleotide being detected causes a change in its fluorescence properties. Transcreener provides a choice of three fluorescent readouts; FP, TR-FRET, and FI.

Transcreener® assays have fewer reagents and a less complex mechanism than any other nucleotide detection assay, which generally require coupling enzymes to convert a nucleotide to a product that can generate a signal with a reporter enzyme. Each coupling and reporter enzyme is a potential target for the compounds being screened, which increases the risk of false positives or of missing a hit, and requires additional wells for counter-screening.


Transcreener Validated Targets

Direct detection also means that the protocol is the simplest and most flexible available. They are validated on all major multimode readers with well-defined filters and settings (for Instrument Compatibility Table) and can be used with 96, 384, or 1536 well formats.

Thousands of cellular reactions use nucleotides, including most of the enzymes that catalyze posttranslational modifications of proteins such as phosphorylation and methylation. Because of their central role in signal transduction, many PTM enzymes have become drug targets. Though protein kinases get the most attention, acetyltransferases, methyltransferases, and glycosyltransferases are also clinically validated targets and many more PTM-related drugs are in the pipeline. Transcreener® assays were developed to enable HTS efforts targeting PTM enzymes, as well as other types of nucleotide-dependent enzymes, including ATPases, GTPases, and phosphodiesterase (for Application Notes).

Comparison between the Transcreener ADP2 Assay from Bellbrook Laboratories and the ADP-Glo Assay from Promega, show multiple advantages of the Transcreener assay (for Comparison Slides).


AptaFluor – Leveraging the Power of Aptamers for Drug Discovery


Epigenetic regulation has been shown to be a contributing factor in a variety of diseases. The discovery of methyltransferase inhibitors is currently an area of intense activity. Methyltransferase enzymes methylate a variety of substrates using S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) as the methyl donor leaving the common product S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH).

The AptaFluor SAH Methyltransferase Assay uses a naturally occurring aptamer, or riboswitch, that selectively binds with SAH, the invariant product of methyltransferase reactions. The exquisite affinity and selectivity of the riboswitch combined with a positive TR-FRET signal enable screening and profiling of methyltransferases with unparalleled sensitivity.

By directly detecting SAH in a homogenous format, it is possible to perform screening and enzymatic studies with virtually any methyltransferase. The assay can be used as a tool to aid researchers in hit identification and characterization in a quest to develop new methyltransferase inhibitors as treatments for disease.


Key Attributes/Advantages:

• Direct Detection of SAH with a TR-FRET Readout
• Ultra-Sensitive
• Use with Physiological SAM Concentrations Lower than 100nM
• Outstanding Reagent and Signal Stability
• Excellent Z’ under a variety of assay conditions
• Simple Mix-and-Read
• Universal Assay – Use with Virtually Any Methyltransferase


Transcreener® and AptaFluor Assay Kits can be used for:

  • Screen for small molecule inhibitors
  • Determine enzymatic activity
  • Profile inhibitor potency / determine IC50 values
  • Measure residence time / off-rate / dissociation of lead molecules with target
  • Inhibitor selectivity profiling
  • Mechanism of action studies

Important Advantages to other Assays are:

  • Universal – Use with virtually any kinase
  • Direct detection of nucleotide enzyme products eliminates complex coupling steps that add to assay interference
  • The sensitivity of Transcreener enables accurate data, generating Z’ values of greater than 0.7 at substrate conversion levels less than 10%
  • Saves you time and development costs by using a single set of reagents for the entire kinase enzyme family
  • Your choice of FP, FI, and TR-FRET readouts with certified performance on major multimode readers
  • Overnight reagent and signal stability means you get reliable, robust screening data in large automated screens
  • Safe, non-radioactive assay method
  • Measure enzyme activity in real-time allowing for residence time determination in an HTS format.


For Detailed information please see the Transcreener® HTS Assay Overview Page and download BellBrook Labs Guide to "Measuring Drug-Target Residence Times with Biochemical Assay"


For FAQs



NEW & UNIQUE Transcreener® cGAMP cGAS Assay

Transcreener® cGAMP cGAS FP Assay

The Transcreener® cGAMP cGAS FP Assay (Prod. No. BBL-3024) is a far-red, competitive fluorescence polarization (FP) assay. Because the antibody is highly selective for cGAMP, the assay can be used to measure activity of the cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS) enzyme which converts ATP and GTP, to cGAMP. cGAS is a recently discovered enzyme that acts as a foreign DNA sensor that induces an immune response via activation of the stimulator of interferon genes (STING) receptor. By directly measuring cGAMP with a highly selective antibody, it is possible to assay the activity of cGAS while screening large compound libraries for inhibitors. This assay can be used to i) measure enzymatic activity of cGAS, ii) screen compound libraries for cGAS inhibitors, iii) quantify inhibitor potency or iv) determine inhibitor-cGAS residence time. 


Product Name PID Detection
Transcreener® cGAMP cGAS FP Assay BBL-3024 Fluorescent Polarization
Transcreener® cGAMP cGAS TR-FRET Assay BBL-3025 TR-FRET
NEW  cGAS (human) (rec.) (His) (Active)



Active Enzyme


Transcreener® and Aptafluor Assays Overview


Transcreener® is the simplest, most robust HTS platform available for nucleotide-dependent enzymes. These are Mix-and-Read assays for Kinases, ATPases, GTPases, methyltransferases, phosphodiesterases, glycosyltransferases, DDR enzymes and immune sensors with first-in-class sensitivity and performance.

  • The only HTS method for direct detection of nucleotides produced by enzymes
  • Detects thousands of enzymes: kinases, ATPases. GTPases, phosphodiesterases, glycosyltransferases, exonucleases, etc.
  • Continuous OR end point assays
  • True single-step mix-and-read format


AptaFluor is the simplest, most sensitive methyltransferase assay available.

  • Mix-and-read SAH detection
  • Detect any methyltransferase using SAM at Km concentration
  • Use with virtually any methyltransferase enzyme


Product Name PID Detection
Transcreener® ADP2 TR-FRET Assay BBL-3011 TR-FRET
Transcreener® ADP2 FP Assay BBL-3010 Fluorescent Polarization
Transcreener® ADP2 FI Assay BBL-3013 Fluorescent Intensity
Transcreener® ADPR FP Assay BBL-3030 Fluorescent Polarization
Transcreener® AMP2/GMP2 FP Assay BBL-3015 Fluorescent Polarization
Transcreener® AMP2/GMP2 TR-FRET Assay BBL-3020 TR-FRET
Transcreener® cGAMP cGAS FP Assay BBL-3024 Fluorescent Polarization
Transcreener® cGAMP cGAS TR-FRET Assay BBL-3025 TR-FRET
Transcreener® dAMP Exonuclease FP Activity Assay BBL-3028 Fluorescent Polarization
Transcreener® GDP FP Assay BBL-3009 Fluorescent Polarization
Transcreener® GDP FI Assay BBL-3014 Fluorescent Intensity
Transcreener® GDP TR-FRET Assay BBL-3021 TR-FRET
Transcreener® pADPr PARP FP Assay BBL-3043 Fluorescent Polarization
Transcreener® pADPr PARP TR-FRET Assay BBL-3044 TR-FRET
Transcreener® UDP2 FP Assay BBL-3018 Fluorescent Polarization
Transcreener® UDP2 FI Assay BBL-3019 Fluorescent Intensity
Transcreener® UDP2 TR-FRET Assay BBL-3022 TR-FRET
Transcreener® CD73 FP Assay BBL-3026 Fluorescent Polarization
Transcreener® OAS FP Assay BBL-3027 Fluorescent Polarization
Transcreener® EPIGEN Methyltransferase FP Assay BBL-3017 Fluorescent Polarization
AptaFluor SAH Methyltransferase TR-FRET Assay BBL-3023 TR-FRET


Enzolution - Validated Assay Overview


Enzolution™ is a complete assay solution. Here is how it works. You take a Transcreener Assay and an Enzolution™ Assay System (sold separately), and together you have everything you need perform inhibitor screening and dose-response measurements for a given target. This includes assay plates, substrates, enzymes, and assay buffers. Enzymes are also available individually!

  • Validated enzymes, substrates, buffers, and protocols, ready for inhibitor discovery
  • Designed to be used with the Transcreener and AptaFluor platforms
  • Enzolution™ is the one-stop-shop for your biochemical assay needs


Product Name PID Detection
Enzolution™ CD38 Assay System BBL-3031 Fluorescent Polarization
Enzolution™ DDX1 ATPase FP Assay System BBL-3037-FP Fluorescent Polarization
Enzolution™ DDX1 ATPase FI Assay System BBL-3037-FI Fluorescent Intensity
Enzolution™ DDX1 ATPase TR-FRET Assay System BBL-3037-TR TR-FRET
Enzolution™ DDX3 ATPase FP Assay System BBL-3038-FP Fluorescent Polarization
Enzolution™ DDX3 ATPase FI Assay System BBL-3038-FI Fluorescent Intensity
Enzolution™ DDX3 ATPase TR-FRET Assay System BBL-3038-TR TR-FRET
Enzolution™ DDX5 ATPase FP Assay System BBL-3039-FP Fluorescent Polarization
Enzolution™ DDX5 ATPase FI Assay System BBL-3039-FI Fluorescent Intensity
Enzolution™ DDX5 ATPase TR-FRET Assay System BBL-3039-TR TR-FRET
Enzolution™ DDX17 ATPase FP Assay System BBL-3040-FP Fluorescent Polarization
Enzolution™ DDX17 ATPase FI Assay System BBL-3040-FI Fluorescent Intensity
Enzolution™ DDX17 ATPase TR-FRET Assay System BBL-3040-TR TR-FRET
Enzolution™ DDX41 ATPase FP Assay System BBL-3041-FP Fluorescent Polarization
Enzolution™ DDX41 ATPase FI Assay System BBL-3041-FI Fluorescent Intensity
Enzolution™ DDX41 ATPase TR-FRET Assay System BBL-3041-TR TR-FRET
Enzolution™ DHX9 ATPase FP Assay System BBL-3042-FP Fluorescent Polarization
Enzolution™ DHX9 ATPase FI Assay System BBL-3042-FI Fluorescent Intensity
Enzolution™ DHX9 ATPase TR-FRET Assay System BBL-3042-TR TR-FRET
Enzolution™ MDA5 ATPase FP Assay System BBL-3036-FP Fluorescent Polarization
Enzolution™ MDA5 ATPase FI Assay System BBL-3036-FI Fluorescent Intensity
Enzolution™ MDA5 ATPase TR-FRET Assay System BBL-3036-TR TR-FRET
Enzolution™ PARG Assay System BBL-3033 Fluorescent Polarization
Enzolution™ PARP1 FP Assay System BBL-3045-FP Fluorescent Polarization
Enzolution™ PARP1 TR-FRET Assay System BBL-3045-TR TR-FRET
Enzolution™ POLQ Helicase ATPase FP Assay System BBL-3034-FP Fluorescent Polarization
Enzolution™ POLQ Helicase ATPase FI Assay System BBL-3034-FI Fluorescent Intensity
Enzolution™ POLQ Helicase ATPase TR-FRET Assay System BBL-3034-TR TR-FRET
Enzolution™ RIG-I ATPase FP Assay System BBL-3035-FP Fluorescent Polarization
Enzolution™ RIG-I ATPase FI Assay System BBL-3035-FI Fluorescent Intensity
Enzolution™ RIG-I ATPase TR-FRET Assay System BBL-3035-TR TR-FRET
Enzolution™ TREX1 Assay System BBL-3029-FP Fluorescent Polarization
Enzolution™ WRN Helicase FP Assay System BBL-3032-FP Fluorescent Polarization
Enzolution™ WRN Helicase FI Assay System BBL-3032-FI Fluorescent Intensity
Enzolution™ WRN Helicase TR-FRET Assay System BBL-3032-TR TR-FRET


Validated Active Enzymes


Highly active human enzymes validated for HTS in Bellbrook Laboratories proprietary assays: cGAS, TREX1, PolQ, WRN, PARG, CD38, DDX helicases, MDA5, RIG-I, and many more.


Product Name PID Available Size
CD38 (human) (rec.) (His) (Active) BBL-2274
cGAS (human) (rec.) (His) (Active) BBL-2227
cGAS (mouse) (rec.) (His) (Active) BBL-2239
DDX1 (human) (rec.) (His) (Active) BBL-2305
DDX3 (human) (rec.) (His) (Active) BBL-2251
DDX5 (human) (rec.) (His) (Active) BBL-2307
DDX17 (human) (rec.) (His) (Active) BBL-2309
DDX41 (human) (rec.) (His) (Active) BBL-2315
DHX9 (human) (rec.) (His) (Active) BBL-2317
MDA5 (human) (rec.) (His) (Active) BBL-2298
OAS1 (human) (rec.) (His) (Active) BBL-2249 10µg
PARG (human) (rec.) (His) (Active) BBL-2283
POLQ Helicase (human) (rec.) (His) (Active) BBL-2287
PARP1 (human) (rec.) (Active) BBL-2322
RIG-I (human) (rec.) (His) (Active) BBL-2291
TREX1 (human) (rec.) (His) (Active) BBL-2260
WRN Helicase (human) (rec.) (His) (Active) BBL-2276


Corning Plates for Transcreener Assays - Choose the Right Plate for your Assay

Corning Plates


Transcreener® HTS Assays rely on direct immunodetection of nucleotides with a far-red readout in a simple mix-and-read format. The assays are available in three different detection modes, fluorescence polarization (FP), fluorescence intensity (FI), and time-resolved Forster resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET). A good microplate reader and the right choice of plates to differentiate specific signals versus background signals or “noise” is crucial to the success of these assays.


To achieve the best results be sure to:


- Use polystyrene, non-binding plates
- Make sure the plate has the correct working volume
- Use black plates for FP & FI
- Use white plates for TR-FRET




More Information



Downloadable Flyer


Transcreener® cGAMP cGAS Assay Flyer

  Transcreener cGAMP cGAS Assay


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