
STING Agonist C11

CHF 100.00
In stock
CAY-27886-500500 µgCHF 100.00
CAY-27886-11 mgCHF 160.00
CAY-27886-55 mgCHF 752.00
CAY-27886-1010 mgCHF 1'101.00
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Product Details
Product Type Chemical
Formula C19H18N4O3S
MW 382.4
CAS 875863-22-2
Purity Chemicals ≥95%
Appearance A crystalline solid
Declaration Manufactured by Cayman Chemicals.
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Click here for Original Manufacturer Product Datasheet
Our product description may differ slightly from the original manufacturers product datasheet.

Smiles O=C(NC(NC)=O)C(SC1=NN=C(C2=CC=C(C)C=C2)O1)C3=CC=CC=C3
Shipping and Handling
Shipping BLUE ICE
Long Term Storage -20°C
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Product Specification Sheet
Datasheet Download PDF
An agonist of the STING pathway; induces secretion of type I IFN from THF and MM6 cells at 50 µM; induces phosphorylation of IRF3 and increases expression of IFIT1 and viperin in THF cells in a STING-dependent manner; reduces viral titers of chikungunya, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, o'nyong-nyong, Mayaro, and Ross River viruses grown in THF cells (EC90s = 16.44, 16.7, 18.84, 25.19, and 22.57 µM, respectively), an effect that is dependent on the presence of STING and IFNAR.
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