

CHF 185.00
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CAY-35454-500500 µgCHF 185.00
CAY-35454-11 mgCHF 350.00
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Product Details
Product Type Chemical
Formula C18H24N2O4S3
MW 428.6
CAS 875158-73-9
Purity Chemicals ≥98%
Appearance A crystalline solid
Declaration Manufactured by Cayman Chemicals.
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Our product description may differ slightly from the original manufacturers product datasheet.

Smiles O=S(C1=CC=C(C)C=C1)(C2=C(N(C)C)SC(S(=O)(C3CCCCC3)=O)=N2)=O
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Shipping BLUE ICE
Long Term Storage -20°C
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Product Specification Sheet
Datasheet Download PDF
A STING agonist; induces IFN reporter gene expression in HEK293T cells expressing wild-type human STING but not in HEK293T cells expressing the HAQ human STING variant nor in mouse RAW 264.7 cells at 75 µM; induces the production of TNF-α, IL-10, IL-1β, and IL-12p70 in human PBMCs; increases the percentage of isolated human monocyte-derived dendritic cells expressing HLA-DR, CD40, CD80, and CD86, as well as increases T cell cross-priming of the same cells in an ex vivo assay, at 50 µM.
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