
Diphenhydramine Impurity B

CHF 219.00
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CDX-D1229-M05050 mgCHF 219.00
CDX-D1229-M100100 mgCHF 354.00
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Product Details
Synonyms 2-[(4-Methyl-α-phenylbenzyl)-oxy]-ethyl-(dimethyl)-ammoniumchloride; 4-Methyldiphenhydramin hydrochloride; Neobenodine; Orphenadrine Impurity F (hydrochloride)
Product Type Chemical
Formula C18H23NO . HCl
MW 305.84
CAS 4024-34-4
Source/Host Chemicals Synthetic
Purity Chemicals ≥98% (HPLC)
Appearance White to off-white powder.
Solubility Soluble in chloroform.
Identity Determined by 1H-NMR.
Declaration Manufactured by Chemodex.
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Click here for Original Manufacturer Product Datasheet
Our product description may differ slightly from the original manufacturers product datasheet.

Smiles CC1=CC=C(C(OCCN(C)C)C2=CC=CC=C2)C=C1.Cl
Shipping and Handling
Shipping AMBIENT
Short Term Storage +4°C
Long Term Storage -20°C
Handling Advice Protect from light and moisture.
Use/Stability Stable for at least 2 years after receipt when stored at -20°C.
MSDS Inquire
Product Specification Sheet
Datasheet Download PDF

Diphenhydramine Impurity B is an impurity of Diphenhydramine (DPH) which is a first generation antihistamine that is a potent antagonist of the histamine H1 receptor and also antagonizes muscarinic cholinergic receptors, increasing the range of central nervous system effects and applications. This product can be used as a working standard or secondary analytical reference standard.

Product References

(1) T.H. MCGavack, et al.; J. Allergy 21, 353 (1950) | (2) U. Doge & K. Eger; Pharmazie 62, 174 (2007)

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