AdipoGen Life Sciences

Dermcidin-1L (human) . TFA

CHF 180.00
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AG-CP3-0039-M0011 mgCHF 180.00
AG-CP3-0039-M0055 mgCHF 540.00
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Product Details
Synonyms DCD-1L; Proteolysis-inducing Factor; Survival-promoting Peptide
Product Type Chemical

C210H359N57O71 . C2HF3O2

MW 4818.5 . 114.0

H-Ser-Ser-Leu-Leu-Glu-Lys-Gly-Leu-Asp-Gly-Ala-Lys-Lys-Ala-Val-Gly-Gly-Leu-Gly-Lys-Leu-Gly-Lys-Asp-Ala-Val-Glu-Asp-Leu-Glu-Ser-Val-Gly-Lys-Gly-Ala-Val-His-Asp-Val-Lys-Asp-Val-Leu-Asp-Ser-Val-Leu-OH trifluoroacetate salt

CAS 478898-18-9
Source/Host Chemicals Synthetic.
Purity Chemicals ≥95%
Appearance Solid lyophilized powder.
Solubility Soluble in water (1mg/ml).
Crossreactivity Human
Smiles N[C@@H](CO)C(N[C@@H](CO)C(N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(NCC(N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(N[C@H](C(NCC(N[C@H](C(N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(N[C@H](C(N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(NCC(NCC(N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(NCC(N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(NCC(N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(N[C@H](C(N[C@H](C(N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(N[C@H](C(N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(N[C@@H](CO)C(N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(NCC(N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(NCC(N[C@H](C(N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(N[C@H](C(N[C@H](C(N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(N[C@H](C(N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(N[C@H](C(N[C@@H](CO)C(N[C@@H](C(C)C)C(N[C@@H](CC(C)C)C(O)=O)=O)=O)=O)CC(O)=O)=O)=O)=O)CC(O)=O)=O)=O)=O)CC(O)=O)=O)CC1=CN=CN1)=O)=O)C)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)CC(O)=O)=O)=O)=O)C)=O)CC(O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)C)=O)=O)=O)C)=O)=O)CC(O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O.FC(F)(C(O)=O)F
Shipping and Handling
Shipping AMBIENT
Short Term Storage +4°C
Long Term Storage -20°C
Handling Advice Keep cool and dry.
Use/Stability Stable for at least 1 year after receipt when stored at -20°C.
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Product Specification Sheet
Datasheet Download PDF
  • Dermcidin is an antimicrobial peptide constitutively expressed in sweat glands, secreted into the sweat and transported to the epidermal surface. In sweat it is proteolytically processed to Dermcidin-1L (DCD-1L) that has antimicrobial activity against a variety of pathogenic microorganisms and other peptides (e.g. DCD-1, Y-P30).
  • Dermcidin-1L (DCD-1L) is a 48aa antimicrobial peptide (AMP) with a Leu residue on the C-terminus, secreted in sweat and part of the innate host defense of the immune system. Unlike most AMPs, which are cationic, DCD-1L has a net negative charge. DCD-1L displays antimicrobial activity thereby limiting skin infection by potential pathogens in the first few hours after bacterial colonization. Highly effective against E.coli, E.faecalis, S.aureus and C.albicans.

  • DCD-1L is first monomeric in human sweat. DCD-1L interaction with negatively charged bacterial membrane phospholipids leads to Zn(2+) dependent formation of oligomeric DCD-1L complexes in the bacterial membrane, which subsequently leads to ion channel formation resulting in membrane depolarization and bacterial cell death.

  • The gene products of DCD have been reported to be a neuronal survival factor, a putative oncogene in breast cancer and a proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF) that induces skeletal muscle proteolysis to cause cancer cachexia.

Product References
  1. Dermcidin: a novel human antibiotic peptide secreted by sweat glands: B. Schittek, et al.; Nat. Immunol. 2, 1133 (2001)
  2. Dermcidin is constitutively produced by eccrine sweat glands and is not induced in epidermal cells under inflammatory skin conditions: S. Rieg, et al.; Br. J. Dermatol. 151, 534 (2004)
  3. Functional and structural characterization of recombinant dermcidin-1L, a human antimicrobial peptide: Y.P. Lai, et al.; BBRC 328, 243 (2005)
  4. Antimicrobial peptides: effectors of innate immunity in the skin: O. Barak, et al.; Adv. Dermatol. 21, 357 (2005) (Review)
  5. Naturally processed dermcidin-derived peptides do not permeabilize bacterial membranes and kill microorganisms irrespective of their charge: H. Steffen, et al.; Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 50, 2608 (2006)
  6. Identification of dermcidin in human gestational tissue and characterization of its proteolytic activity: J.P. Lee Motoyama, et al.; BBRC 357, 828 (2007)
  7. The dermcidin gene in cancer: role in cachexia, carcinogenesis and tumour cell survival: G.D. Stewart, et al.; Curr. Opin. Clin. Nutr. Metab. Care 11, 208 (2008) (Review)
  8. The multiple facets of dermcidin in cell survival and host defense: B. Schittek; J. Innate Immun. 4, 349 (2012) (Review)
  9. Seriniquinone, a selective anticancer agent, induces cell death by autophagocytosis, targeting the cancer-protective protein dermcidin: L. Trzoss, et al.; PNAS 111, 14687 (2014)
  10. The secrets of dermcidin action: M. Burian & B. Schittek; Int. J. Med. Microbiol. 305, 283 (2015) (Review)
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