
M1-linked Tetra-Ubiqutin (human) (rec.) (untagged)

CHF 278.00
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SBB-UP0119-C02525 µgCHF 278.00
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Product Details
Synonyms Ub4
Product Type Protein
Source/Host E. coli

Four enzymatically conjugated linear human ubiquitin (aa1-76) (Accession Nr. P0CG47) covalently linked through an isopeptide bond at M1 residue of one ubiquitin molecule and the C-terminal glycine residue of another ubiquitin molecule and untagged.

Crossreactivity Human
MW ~34kDa
Purity ≥95% (SDS-PAGE)
Concentration Lot dependent.
Accession Number P0CG47
Formulation Liquid. In 50mM HEPES pH 7.5.
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Click here for a Typical Lot-specific Product Datasheet from the Original Manufacturer
Our product description may differ slightly from the original manufacturers product datasheet.

Note: Heating this product in SDS-PAGE buffer can lead to high apparent molecular weight banding or smearing on SDS-PAGE gels that is not representative of the products purity.

Declaration Manufactured by South Bay Bio.
Shipping and Handling
Shipping DRY ICE
Short Term Storage -80°C
Long Term Storage -80°C
Handling Advice Aliquot to avoid freeze/thaw cycles.
Use/Stability Stable for at least 1 year after receipt when stored at -80°C.
MSDS Inquire
Product Specification Sheet
Datasheet Download PDF

The array of cellular processes initiated and regulated by ubiquitin has been partially explained by the structural diversity of differently linked ubiquitin chains. In a ubiquitin chain, ubiquitin moieties can be conjugated through one of their lysine residues (K6, K11, K27, K29, K33, K48 and K63) or the N-terminal methionine residue (M1), offering countless possibilities to assemble a specific polymer. Ubiquitin molecules can also be modified by other post-translational modifications, including acetylation and phosphorylation, adding another layer of ubiquitin signal regulation and diversification. M1-linked chains play critical roles in inflammatory and immune responses by regulating the activation of NF-κB. Activated cytokine receptors and toll-like receptors (TLRs) recruiting e.g. kinases and E3 ubiquitin ligases, and resultant phosphorylation and ubiquitylation lead to the activation of effector proteins.

This protein is formed with wild-type human recombinant ubiquitin and linkage-specific enzymes. Ideal for investigating ubiquitin-binding proteins and as substrates for ubiquitin-specific isopeptidases. Reaction conditions will need to be optimized for each specific application.

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