
VECTASHIELD Vibrance Antifade Mounting Medium with DAPI

CHF 82.00
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VC-H-1800-L0022 mlCHF 82.00
VC-H-1800-L01010 mlCHF 286.00
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Product Type Chemical
Crossreactivity Multi-species
Declaration Manufactured by Vector Laboratories
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VECTASHIELD Vibrance products are completely new formulations of curing antifade mounting media for immunofluorescence applications. These newest additions to our VECTASHIELD portfolio were developed with customer feedback to improve on parameters such as ease of use and retention of specific staining intensity over time.

VECTASHIELD Vibrance Antifade Mounting Medium with DAPI prevents rapid photobleaching of fluorescent proteins and fluorescent dyes on cell and tissue section preparations. VECTASHIELD Vibrance Antifade Mounting Medium is supplied as an aqueous, ready-to- use formulation which will cure (set) over several hours at room temperature to immobilize the coverslip. No further sealing of the coverslip is required. Each lot is tested for photobleaching retardance with qualitative and quantitative methods. This formulation of VECTASHIELD Vibrance Antifade Mounting Medium contains 4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), which fluoresces when bound to DNA. DAPI excites around 360nm and emits around 460 m when bound to DNA, producing a blue fluorescence, and is ideal as a nuclear or chromosomal counterstain.

VECTASHIELD Vibrance Antifade Mounting Medium is compatible with the majority of commercially available fluorescent dyes. The antifade properties of the medium are effective across the spectrum, including far red channels.

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Easy (no warming) and ready-to-use brilliant solution for fluorescence signal retention, featuring i) superior antifade/anti-photobleaching properties across the spectrum, ii) compatibility with commonly used fluorophores, iii) only one hour after mounting to view sections, iv) no tone or autofluorescent background, even after curing, v) room temperature storage of slides with extended archiving time, vi) minimal bubble formation, even after several weeks storage, vii) curing formulation with counterstain (DAPI), viii) 12 month product expiration date. Used as a histology stain for immunofluorescence, in situ hybridization, cellular imaging and super-resolution microscopy.

© 2017 Adipogen Life Sciences. Pictures: © 2012 Martin Oeggerli. All Rights Reserved.